On the Edge: One of the most Inspirational Stories

A mid-aged man, tired of doing same things for a decade, became despondent due same thoughts. 5 bad minutes exploit the whole day. This man was having 9 bad hours, everyday. It could have been different, if you were a little courageous. The only thought running in his mind, dispirited him to become tedious. His wife, tired of his abstracted and forsaken behavior, decided to send their 12 years son to boarding school. Missing a child would be better than etiolating him, she thought. The boy whereas unwilling to leave his home cried before his mom. Realizing that his mom is the instigator of this decision, he goes to his father to tell how scared he is. Totally agreeing with his wife’s decision, the man tries to convince the kid to go at a better place. “But, what if I don’t want to…” utters the kid. It’s better for your future, you will be in a far better school than any school in this town, you will be surrounded the students like you, who want to achieve something great...